Freelance personal growth expert and collaborator of the GoingTeal Group, which is committed to research and analysis of the Teal model-oriented organizations or otherwise interested in organizational innovation (
Enrolled on the Italian Register of Psychologists Section B, in compliance to its Code of Practice ( and its Code of Conduct for online and remote practice (
Certified Professional Counselor under Law 4/2013 (law regulating professional activities such as Coaching and Counseling, not organised into professional Orders) and member of the following associations, in compliance to their respective codes of practice and of ethics:
AssoCounseling ( Professional Counselor (ID: REG-A1497-2014)
AICP Italian Association of Professional Coaches ( member since 2014, Coordinator of the Coaching Club in Friuli Venezia Giulia (2016-17) and Deputy to the regional coordinator in 2021-2022, Deputy coordinator of Development and Special Projects (2018),
Somatic Experiencing®:,
ICF International Coach Federation: ACC Associate Certified Coach (2014-2019)
*Undergraduate Degree in Psychological Sciences*: 108/110 (2020), University of Padua, Thesis: “Gender Gap in Politics: Gender Discrimination and the Impostor Phenomenon”. Enrolled on the Italian Register of Psychologists Section B in September 2021.
*Executive Coach* (Ontological-Transformational Coaching): training 2013-2014, EEC Escuela Europea de Coaching, Turin/Milan
*Professional Counselor* (Gestalt and Bioenergetics): 2011-2013 training, SIBiG Scuola Italiana di BioGestalt®, Milan
*Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP)*: 2016-2019 training on Dr. Peter A. Levine‘s SE method, Associazione Progetto Somamente, Milan
*Authorised Level 2 Moon Mother®: 2016 MM1-MM2 trainings, Miranda Gray’s Womb Blessing (
*Member of Claudio Naranjo‘s SAT Program* (Seekers After Truth): 2012-2018, Titignano (Orvieto)
*Banking director*: 1997-2013 Deutsche Bank, Milan
*Research assistant and junior consultant*: 1995-1997, SDA Bocconi, Milan
*Degree in Business Administration* (102/110), 1994; *Enrolled on the Italian Register of Chartered Accountants*, 1995, Bocconi University, Milan